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Vape Liquids 101: Top 10 Things New Vapers Should Know About E-Juice

Vape Liquids 101: Top 10 Things New Vapers Should Know About E-Juice

Time : 2022-04-01
Author : Schatze BioTech
Source : Schatze BioTech
View : 1388
Vape Liquids 101: Top 10 Things New Vapers Should Know About E-Juice

Over the last 10 years, vaping is now popular among those looking to quit smoking cigarettes in general and younger people who previously did not have a desire to smoke cigarettes. Here's a guide to introduce you to the e-liquids or vape juice that give the real flavor to your vaping experience.

Whether your tastes are simple, or you have a desire to explore the magical world of the plethora of vape flavors out there, there are e-liquids for all types of needs and tastes. We hope to help you find the right ones to get you started on your vaping journey - and also to answer some of the questions you’re sure to have at this stage.

1. What is E-Liquid?

An e-liquid is a mixture of nicotine (optional) and flavor. When used in conjunction with an electronic device, it releases nicotine directly to the body as a traditional cigarette does, however, without the unpleasant flavor, smell, and dangerous toxic substances.

You’ve likely heard it referred to various names and spellings in various ways, but ultimately, it’s the same thing. If you ever notice or hear vape juice or vape liquid, e-juice, and mod juice, you’ll realize that it’s an e-liquid at the end of the day. Unlike cigarettes, vaping devices require a battery, and the best vape pens can be found at vape pen battery.

Vaping liquid is a mix of:

  1. Nicotine (but never always!)
  2. Propylene Glycol (PG) or Vegetable Glycerine (VG) (or an amalgam of both)
  3. Food-grade flavoring

2. Nicotine Strength

Many people believe that nicotine found in tobacco and vape juice is the most harmful chemical, but this isn’t completely true. Nicotine is good, but it is extremely addictive. As a result, numerous vape cartridges are now available with a variety of unique features. If you don’t experience the nicotine intake that your brain is accustomed to, you experience exuberant cravings. The craving isn’t long (some claim it lasts about 20 minutes or so); however, every second could be a painful experience as your brain is screaming you require an instant nicotine fix!

Here's a quick guide on how you can choose the right nicotine strength in an e-liquid.

  1. Light Smokers/Non-Smokers – If you’re a light smoker, you should go for 3mg e-liquids. If that doesn’t satisfy you, you can go for 6mg. Most light smokers are comfortable with a 3mg e-liquid. But for those who haven’t smoked before, it’s best if you opt for nicotine-free e-liquids and enjoy a great vaping experience.
  2. Medium Smokers – An average smoker can consume 10 to 16 cigarettes per day. If you’re that kind of a smoker, it’s best to opt for mid-strength 11mg e-liquids as a start. You can then taper down to 6mg or lower over time, or until you no longer crave the effects of nicotine.
  3. Heavy Smokers – If you’re a heavy smoker consuming 15 or more cigarettes per day, it means that your body is used to taking in huge amounts of nicotine on a daily basis. If that’s the case, you’ll want to opt for 16mg e-liquid to satisfy your cravings and then taper down to smaller amounts over time.

It’s important for heavy smokers to find the right nicotine strength, especially if they’re using vape to quit smoking. With the help of a vape, you’ll be able to ease up the quitting process instead of overdoing or completely depriving yourself.

3. What is the Best E-Liquid Ratio?

We are frequently asked what the ideal ratio of PG to VG is; however, the problem is that there’s no one. The way a vaper uses their vapor largely depends on their personal preferences and desires. There isn’t anyone ratio that is the best. We can, however, suggest the best ratios, depending on the device being used and the kind of user you are.

4. Best E-Liquid Ratio for Vape Pens & Pods

Traditional-style vape pens are often used by people trying to get addicted to smoking for the first time or just those who require a basic device to satisfy their craving for nicotine. They typically have a smaller space in tanks and make the liquid heat up at a lower temperature.

Using a 20% E-liquid-containing PG for vape pen devices is an ideal starting place. Any lower than 50/50 could mean you have to replace your coils more often as the liquid could be too thick.

5. Best E-Liquid Ratio for Mods

If you notice someone smoking and blowing enormous clouds, then you can be sure they’re using the Mod kit that is sub-ohm. They can be found in various designs and sizes, but in the end, they’re high-powered vapes that heat liquid at higher temperatures.

E liquids that have more VG are the best for this. Anything with a VG content of more than 50% is appropriate. When you’re using higher power using the devices (e.g., 50 Watts), an 80 percent V/G ratio is ideal.

It’s also important to get proper knowledge about how much resistance your coil has and the number of watts you produce, which will affect the degree of compatibility that your liquid has. The more resistant a coil is, the lower power it will require, and it’s the reverse.

6. Do Properly Store Your E-Liquids

E-juices are known to have a long shelf-life, but this doesn’t mean you have to put them out to dry. It’s still perishable, and you need to know how to store your vape juice to preserve its taste correctly. Do not expose your e-juice to direct sunlight or put it in hot places. The best location to release your vape juice is an area that is cool and dark.

If you’re going to travel, you have to make sure that your e-liquid is packed properly in a plastic bag. Your vape gear and e-liquids should both fall under the same category as liquid items in your luggage. So, you need to make sure that they are kept together in a sturdy plastic bag along with other liquid items such as perfumes, toiletries, etc.

You might also want to limit the number of liquids you bring if you want to enjoy a smooth and hassle-free travel experience. Avoid carrying e-liquids in more than 100ml when traveling, especially if you are bringing other types of liquids. Airlines usually prohibit more than 100ml of liquid items in carry-on luggage, and if you’re carrying more than that, you may be forced to leave your e-liquid in the airport.

Be sure to pack your vape gear and e-liquids in an organized and mindful manner, especially if you have bought some very good vape juice flavors such as black mamba, bubblegum, and riptide.

7. How to choose a vape juice flavor

Choosing an e-liquid flavor entirely depends on personal preference. There are hundreds of e-liquid flavors with various brands to choose from. For those who are using vapes to come off from cigarettes, choosing a tobacco or menthol-flavored e-liquid is recommended. For beginners and leisure vapers, most prefer fruity or dessert flavor e-liquids.

The best way to choose an e-liquid flavor is to go to a vape store so you can try a sample of a few varieties. This is also the best way for people who are quitting cigarettes and are looking for something that tastes like a traditional cigarette. You also have the option to come up with your own e-liquid flavor by blending a couple of juices together to create unique combinations. According to Vape Town, you can even increase the nicotine by adding nicotine shots, or nic shots.

Finding an e-liquid flavor that suits your taste is not that expensive. There are plenty of different e-liquid flavors in 10ml bottles that are very affordable. You just have to find a good brand that offers reasonable prices.

8. It is possible to experience dry mouth

Not just dry mouth, but dry throat and nose. It’s also common. There are four major components in the e-liquid (three in the case of e-liquids that are nicotine-free). Certain of these ingredients are hygroscopic, which means they draw water towards them and away from you! The more you are familiar with using vaping, the less obvious it is. You can drink an occasional glass of water once you first vape.

9. There may be false starts

You’re trying to break a habit you’ve been pursuing for a long time. Some people take a puff of e-cigarettes and then never smoke for a while, while others slowly decrease their smoking habits in time. It’s a good idea to keep in mind that if you only smoke one cigarette at the beginning of the day or 10 during the day, do not beat yourself up for it. If you’re craving cigarettes, it could be due to something that needs to be adjusted to the strength of your e-liquid, for instance.

10 . Vape as a vapor, not a smoker

The first misconception that people tend to make is to smoke like smoking cigarettes. When you take a bigger puff on a cigarette, you’ll receive more smoke. This doesn’t work with vaping. Nothing is burning and burning; therefore, your e-cigarette needs time to create vapor. It would be best if you vaped as an experienced vaper. Slower, longer, and more regular puffs can make a huge difference.


This vape juice guide is comprehensive, providing you with all the information you need to make the best vape juice decision possible. Before you shop for new vape kits and e-liquids, keep in mind the tips that you get above. Make sure to choose an e-liquid with the right nicotine strength, and know-how to choose what kind of e-liquid you need. Once you have some favorites, you can start experimenting or combining various e-liquid flavors to come up with your own flair.