Does Vape Juice Go Bad and Expire?
Many vapers are confused about how to storage e-liquid and how long it lasts. Does it go bad and expire?
Technically yes, e-liquid can go bad. But it's not the same as food going bad. Vape juice is very shelf-stable. It might even change color and turn brown with time, but this doesn't mean that it has expired. Generally speaking, e-liquid lasts as long as its first ingredient to “expire.” As a rule of thumb, that will be up to two years from its date of manufacture.
E-liquid does not like heat, sunlight, and oxygen—how long it lasts will depend on how successful you are in avoiding them. Don't run to store all your bottles in the fridge though! Storing your e-liquid firmly closed in a dry and cool cupboard is the best way you can ensure that your favorite juice will last as long as possible.
Some e-liquid bottles will have an expiration date on them, some won't. But based on the FDA's rules on consumable products, only infant formula is required to have an expiration date. ‘Best by’ and ‘expires on’ dates are up to the discretion of the manufacturer.
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